In Short

Sitting at Tschebull makes you feel like you are sitting in a stunning restaurant right in the beautiful mountains of Austria. The place has different areas so you can choose if you feel like a rather fancy dinner or some casual dining. The waitresses and waiters are very attentive and the service is quite fast, even if the restaurant is fully booked out. Taking a look at their menu makes you feel like you want to try everything. Therefore we chose the Austrian tapas variations as a starter and it was absolutely delicious! In general, the restaurant is a bit more expensive but we think it is justified by the quality of the food, drinks and service. Tschebull is definitely worth a visit – particularly for special occasions. For us, it is certainly one of the best Austrian restaurants in Hamburg.

Austrian Atmosphere Right in the Middle of Hamburg

A restaurant with many atmospheres! It was my birthday and Adrian was looking for a special place to eat. After some research, he definitely found a worthy restaurant for the occasion! Tschebull is an Austrian eatery owned by a couple that made their dream of managing their own restaurant come true. The owner, Alexander Tschebull, is a member of “Jeunes Restaurateurs Germany”, which is the national section of the European Association of Young Top Chefs – and you can definitely taste that in his food.

When we entered the restaurant, we were immediately amazed by the attentiveness and friendliness of the clerk that took our coats and showed us to our table. The restaurant is very clean and the decoration gives every area its unique atmosphere. However, all rooms are connected by highlights such as pictures of mountains, deers or nature in general. Not only the interior of the restaurant, also the menu makes you feel like you are sitting in a beautiful dining room in the middle of the Austrian mountains. By the way, if you are searching for other authentic restaurants check out our reviews of Restaurante Español Picasso for Spanish atmosphere or Ti Breizh for some French cuisine.

Special Seating Possibilities

When reserving a table, you have to choose in which “area” of the restaurant you want to sit. In general, there are five different areas with completely distinct atmospheres. This way the restaurants captures ambiences for everyone. If you rather want your evening to be casual, you should book the “high tables” in the “Beisl” area or the lounge. The “Glockenraum” is elegant and simple, while the “Edelweiss Raum” is the gourmet area. And of course, there is the bar, where you can watch the barkeeper mix juicy cocktails in the perfect mixing ratio. Since we wanted a good mixture of casual and fancy, we decided for the high tables in the “Beisl” area. The place in general is quite big so the tables are rather far from each other which is great for some privacy.

Authentic Austrian Starters

As starters we ordered a salad with mushroom schnitzel (Kremser mustard, spiced pear and sesame walnuts – vegan, 15 €) and a so-called Schmanklervariation (a tapas variation of five entrées to share, 25 €). This variation included, for example, a parmesan foam soup and roasted sweetbreads but the tapas change depending on the season. We would not recommend getting a starter to share and another entrée on top since it was quite a good amount of food to start with. However, especially the Austrian tapas variation was an amazing way to try the different dishes – and we can say: it was amazing. From the presentation, to the taste, until the texture – everything made sense and was perfectly matched to each other. The sweetbreads just melted in our mouths and the parmesan foam soap had just enough cheese and spices.

Tschebull Salad
Tschebull Appetizer

Our Delicious Main Courses

The waiters and waitresses were always very attentive and the service was overall very quick. Even though the place was fully booked out, we did not have to wait more than about 10-15 minutes to get the starters and after that the main course. For the latter, we chose the classic Wiener Schnitzel (28 €) and Carinthian cheese ravioli (26 €). The ravioli dish consisted of noodle dumplings filled with herb-curd, together with lettuce, beech mushrooms and brown nut butter. The presentation of the Schnitzel was quite basic but that certainly did not apply to the taste. WOW! The meat was tender and seasoned beautifully. And also the ravioli were really rich in taste and it was the perfect portion to get full. My personal highlight on that plate was certainly the brown nut butter which made the dish round and gave it an earthy, yet fresh taste.

Tschebull Cheese Ravioli
Tschebull Schnitzel

One can definitely taste that Tschebull uses regional and organic products that are purchased on a fresh daily basis. Also the fish and seafood come from sustainable sources and certified aquaculture whenever it is possible. The eye for quality is what makes this place one of the best Austrian restaurants in Hamburg!

Rounding up the Evening with a Great Austrian Dessert

The dessert was certainly another highlight this evening. We ordered a Salzburger Nockerln (36 €) which you order for two persons and it takes about 20 minutes to make. After some waiting time, two waiters came with a bowl of a big fluffy and creamy cloud. The serving happens in front of you: The waiters scooped the fluffy sweets on two plates for us. Not only the dessert itself but also the process of serving looked like art. The Nockerln tastes a lot like egg and can be quite sugary. However, it feels as fluffy in your mouth as it looks on the plate – it literally just melts. The cloud is served with vanilla sauce and raspberries.

Tschebull Dessert
Salzburger Nockerln

After we finished the dessert, we had some more drinks and called it a night. The bill was no surprise for us. The restaurant is quite expensive but we think it is justified by the quality of the food, drinks and service. Tschebull is definitely worth a visit – particularly for special occasions. For us, it is certainly one of the best Austrian restaurants in Hamburg.

Overall Rating

Food Taste
Food Quality
Service Speed
Personnel Friendliness
Value for Money

If you want to check out the menu of the best Austrian restaurant in Hamburg, click here.

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